Undergraduate | Laboratory of Marine Geology & Physical Oceanography
During the four year course the geology undergraduate students attend the following Marine Science curricula:
Marine Geology (2nd year/2nd semester, 12 lectures of 4 hours each)
An introduction to the physical and sedimentary geology of the continental margins and ocean basins.
Shelf, slope and basin sedimentation processes.
Mass movementprocesses.
Geotechnical properties of shelf and slope deposits.
Offshoregeological hazards.
Essentials of sound physics.
Description of high resolutionmarine geophysical techniques to investigate modern sediments.
Interpetation ofhigh resolution continuous reflection data for the purpose of studyingstructural and sedimentological processes.
Identification of offshoregeological hazards in seismic records. Stratigraphic interpretation (seismic sequences and facies).
Coastal Geomorphology (2nd year/2nd semester, 12 lectures of 4 hours each)
Waves in deep and shallow waters, wave refraction, wave induced currents.
Size andphysical properties of coastal sediments, hydraulic behaviour of sediments,sediment transport, coastal budget.
Beach profiles and wave energy, beachprofiles and sediment transport, beach landforms (cusps, bars, spits,headlands), cliffs.
Coastal geomorphology and Quaternary sea level changes.
Physical Oceanography (2nd year/2nd semester, 12 lectures of 4 hours each)
Seawater: its composition and properties.
Temperature,salinity and density distribution.
Water masses, T-S diagrammes.
The basic principal laws in Oceanography.
Equation ofmotion in Oceanography.
Currents without friction (geostrophic flow).
Currentswith friction (wind driven circulation).
Large scale wind and thermohalinecirculation.
Field and laboratory techniques for the aquisition, analysis andinterpretation of oceanographic data (temperature/salinity, currents, waves and tides).
Environmental Oceanography (4th year/1st semester, 12 lectures of 4 hours each)
Pollution and pollutants.
Organic wastes
Oxygen budget
Oceanographical factors controlling wastedispersion
Oceanographic and geological criteria for outfall site selection. Solidwastes
Oceanographical and geological criteria for site selection for thedumping of solid wastes
Transfer processes of heavy metals in sediments
Pollution assessment methods.
Radioactive wastes, deep sea disposal ofradioactive wastes.
Oil spills
Halogenated hydrocarbons.