University of Patras
Department of Geology
Laboratory of Marine Geology & Physical Oceanography
Rio 26500
Patra, Greece
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The Marine Geology and Physical Oceanography Laboratory was established in 1989 within the Geology Department of Patras University. The Laboratory is at present by far the largest teaching and research University center in its field in Greece. The three main aims of the Laboratory are:

  • To carry out fundamental research in the fields of Marine Geology, Physical Oceanography and Marine Pollution.
  • To train undergraduate and postgraduate students in Marine Sciences.

1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1992 1993 1994 1996 1997 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006


1 Varnavas, S., Ferentinos, G. and Collins, M. (1986): Dispersion of bauxitic red mud in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Marine Geology 70:211-222.



1 Varnavas, S. and Papatheodorou, G. (1987): Marine mineral resources in the Mediterranean Sea. Iron, Titanium, Chromium, Nickel deposit in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Marine Mining 6:37-70.



1 Ferentinos, G. and Kastanos, N. (1988): Water circulation patterns in the Otranto Channel, Adriatic Sea. Continental Shelf Research 8: 1025-1041.



1 Ferentinos, G., Papatheodorou, G. and Collins, M. (1989): Sediment transport processes on an active submarine fault, the escarpment of an asymetric graben: Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Marine Geology 88: 43-61.



1 Kastanos, N. and Ferentinos, G. (1990): Mesoscale current variability in the Otranto Straits, Adriatic Sea. J. of Geophysical Research 96: 8741-8754.



1 Ferentinos G. (1992): Recent gravitative mass movements in a highly tectonically active arc system: The Hellenic Arc. Marine Geology 104: 93-107.
2 Ferentinos, G. (1992): Offshore geological hazards in the Hellenic Arc. Marine Geotechnology 9: 261-277.
3 Christiansen, C., Zacharias, I. and Vang, T. (1992): Storage redistribution and net export of dissolved and sediment bound nutrients. Vejle Fjord, Denmark. Hydrobiologia 235/236: 45-57.



1 Papatheodorou, G., Hasiotis, T. and Ferentinos, G. (1993): Gas charged sediments in the Aegean Sea. Marine Geology 112: 171-184.



1 Papatheodorou, G. and Ferentinos, G., (1994): Sedimentation processes and basin-filling depositional architecture in an active asymmetric graben: Strava graben, Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Basin Research 5: 235-253



1 Hasiotis, T., Papatheodorou G., Kastanos, N. and Ferentinos, G., (1996): A pockmark field in the Patras Gulf (Greece) and its activation during the 14/7/93 seismic event. Marine Geology 130: 333-344.
2 Poulos, S., Colllins, M., Pattiaratchi, C., Cramp, A., Gull, W., Tsimplis, M., Papatheodorou, G. (1996): Oceanography and Sedimentation in the semi-enclosed deep-water Gulf of Corinth (Greece). Marine Geology 134: 213-235.



1 Papatheodorou, G. and Ferentinos, G., (1997): Submarine and coastal sediment failure, triggered by the 1995, Ms=6.1R, Aegion earthquake, Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Marine Geology 137:287-304.
2 Lambrakis, N., Voudouris, K., Papatheodorou, G., and Daskalaki, P., (1997): Factor analysis for revealing hydrochemical parameters in Pleistocene aquifers of NW Achaia, Peloponnesos, Greece. Mathematical Geology 29 (1): 43-59.
3 Zacharias I. and Ferentinos G. (1997): A numerical model for the winter circulation in Lake Trichonis, Greece. Enviromental Modelling and Software 12:311-321.
4 Papatheodorou, G. and Lambrakis, N., (1997): Trend Surface Analysis of hydrochemical data. Case studies of Plio-Pleistocene Aquifers from NW Peloponnesos and central Crete, Greece. Proceedings of Inter. Association for Mathematical Geology pp: 972-979.
5 Hasiotis, T., Papatheodorou, G., and Ferentinos, G. (1997): Geological and man-made hazards surveying for laying submarine cables in the Aegean and Ionian Seas, Greece. Proc. Inter. Symposium on Engineering and Environment of I.A.E.G. Engineering Geology and the Environment (P. Marinos et al., eds) pp 693-700. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam.



1 Stefatos, A., Charalambakis, M., Papatheodorou, G and Ferentinos, G. (1999): Marine debris on the seafloor of the Mediterranean Sea: Examples from two enclosed Gulfs in western Greece. Marine Pollution Bulletin 36: 389-393.
2 Papatheodorou, G., Lyberis, E., and Ferentinos, G. (1999): Use of Factor analysis to study the distribution of metalliferous bauxite tailings in the seabed of the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Natural Resources research 8: 277-285.



1 Collier, R., Leeder, M., Trout, M., Ferentinos, G., Lyberis, E., and Papatheodorou, G. (2000): High Sediment yields and cool wet winters: test of last glacial palaeoclimates in the northern Mediterranean. Geology 28: 999-1002.
2 Geraga, M., Tsaila-Monopoli, St., Ioakim, Chr., Papatheodorou, G., and Ferentinos, G. (2000): Evaluation of palaeoenvironmental changes during the last 18,000 years in the Myrtoon basin, SW Aegean Sea. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeocology 156:1-17.
3 Collier R., Leeder M.R., Trout M., Ferentinos G., Lyberis E. and Papatheodorou G. (2000): “High sediment yields and cool wet winters: Test of last glacial paleoclimates in the northern Mediterranean”. Geology, vol. 28, No 11, pp. 999-1002



1 Stefatos, A., Papatheodorou G., Ferentinos, G., Leeder, M., and Collier, R. (2001): Active offshore faults in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece: their seismotectonic significance. Basin Research (submitted for publication).
2 Chalari, A., Stefatos A., Papatheodorou, G. and Ferentinos, G. (2001): A Reconnaissance Marine geophysical survey in Alexandria, Egypt for the detection of ancient shipwrecks and other traces of human activities. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology (to be submitted for publication).
3 Hasiotis, T., Papatheodorou, G., Buckovalas, G. and Ferentinos, G. (2001): Earthquake induced coastal Sediment instabilities in the Western Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Marine Geology (submitted for publication).



1 Leeder M.R., Collier R., L.H.A. Aziz, Trout M., Ferentinos G., Papatheodorou G and Lyberis E. (2002): "Tectono-sedimentary processes along an active marine/lacustrine half-graben margin: Alkyonides Gulf, E. Gulf of Corinth, Greece". Basin Research, vol. 14, issue 1, pp 25-42.
2 J. Ravasopoulos, G. Papatheodorou, J. Kapolos, M. Geraga, A. Koliadima and K. Xenos., (2002): “A promising methodology for the detection of pockmark activation in nearshore sediments, Gulf of Patras (W. Greece)”. Instrumentation Science and Technology, vol 30, 2, pp. 139-155.
3 Hasiotis T., Papatheodorou G., Bouckovalas G. and Ferentinos G. (2002): “Earthquake-induced sediment instabilities in the coastal zone of a submarine alluvial fan in the western Gulf of Corinth, Greece”. Marine Geology, vol. 186, pp. 319-335.
4 Stefatos A., Papatheodorou G., Ferentinos G., Leeder M and Collier R. (2002): “Active offshore faults in the Gulf of Corinth: Their seismotectonic significance”. Basin Research, vol. 14, pp. 1-14
5 Hasiotis T., Papatheodorou G., and Ferentinos G. (2002): “A string of large and deep gas-induced depressions (pockmarks) offshore of Killini Peninsula, Western Greece”. Geo-Marine Letters, vol. 22, issue 3, pp. 142-149.
6 Papatheodorou G., Hotos G., Geraga M., Avramidou D. and Vorinakis T. (2002): “Heavy metal concentrations in sediments of Klisova lagoon (S.E. Mesolonghi-Aitolikon Lagoon complex), W. Greece”. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, vol 11, No 11, pp. 951-956.
7 Phaneuf B.A., Ciavola P., Papatheodorou G. and G. Ferentinos. (2002): "Ionian Sea Study 2001". I.N.A Quarterly, vol. 29, No. 3/4, pp. 28-29.



1 Papatheodorou G., Stefatos A., Christodoulou D., Ferentinos G. (2003):"Small scale present day turbidity currents in a tectonically active submarine graben, the Gulf of Corinth (Greece): their significance in dispersing mine tailings and their relevance to basin filling". In Submarine Mass Movements and their Consequences, (eds. J. Local & J. Mienert). Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, vol. 19, pp. 459-469.
2 Christodoulou D., Papatheodorou G., Ferentinos G., Masson M. (2003): "Active seepage in two contrasting pockmark fields in Patras and Corinth Gulfs, Greece". Geo-Marine Letters 23, 3-4, 194-199.



1 T. Hasiotis, G. Papatheodorou and G. Ferentinos, A high resolution approach in the recent sedimentation processes at the head of Zakynthos Canyon, western Greece, Marine Geology, Volume 214, Issues 1-3, 30 January 2005, Pages 49-73.
2 Maria Geraga, Stella Tsaila-Monopolis, Chrysanthi Ioakim, George Papatheodorou and George Ferentinos, Short-term climate changes in the southern Aegean Sea over the last 48,000 years, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Volume 220, Issues 3-4, 13 May 2005, Pages 311-332.
3 Papatheodorou, G., H. Papaefthymiou, A. Maratou and G. Ferentinos (2005): Natural radionuclides in bauxitic tailings (red-mud) in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece, Radioprotection vol.40, 549-555.
4 Papatheodorou, G., Geraga, M., Ferentinos, G., (2005): The Navarino Naval Battle site, Greece – an integrated remote sensing survey and a rational management approach. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology vol. 34, No 1. 95-109.
5 Mc Neil L.C., Cotterill C.J., Henstock H.J., Bull J.M., Stefatos A., Collier R.E.L., Papatheodorou G., Ferentinos G. and Hicks S.E. (2005): Active faulting within the offshore western Gulf of Corinth, Greece: Implications for models of continental rift deformation. Geology vol. 33, 241-244.
6 Chalari, A., Christodoulou, D., Papatheodorou, G., Geraga, M., Stefatos, A., Ferentinos, G. (2005): Use of remote sensing and GIS in the reconstruction of coastal palaeogeography of Alexandria, Egypt, B.A.R., British Archaeological Reports (in press).
7 Papatheodorou, G., Geraga, M., Ferentinos G., (2005): The study of coastal palaeogeography of Dokos Island, Greece, using remote sensing techniques. B.A.R., British Archaeological Reports (in press).
8 Etiope G., Papatheodorou G., Christodoulou D., Favali P. and Ferentinos G. (2005) Gas hazard induced by methane and hydrogen sulfide seepage in the NW Peloponnesus petroliferous basin (Greece). TAO, Vol. 16, No. 4, 897-908, October 2005.
9 Stefatos, A., Papatheodorou, G., & Ferentinos, G. (submitted to Basin Research): Base of slope and Basin plain depositional systems along a border fault margin Western Gulf of Corinth. Their seismic expression.



1 Etiope G, Papatheodorou G, Christodoulou D, Ferentinos G, Sokos E, Favali P (2006): ‘"Methane and hydrogen sulfide seepage in the NW Peloponnesus petroliferous basin (Greece): origin and geohazard. AAPG Bulletin 90 (5): 701-713 MAY 2006.
2 T. Hasiotis, M. Charalampakis, A. Stefatos, G. Papatheodorou, G. Ferentinos (2006) Fan delta development and processes offshore a seasonal river in a seismically active region, NW Gulf of Corinth. Geo-Marine Letters, 26 (4) 199-212.
3 Stefatos, A., Charalampakis, M., Papatheodorou, G., and Ferentinos, G., 2006 Tsunamogenic sources in an active European half graben (Gulf of Corinth, Central Greece). Marine Geology (in press).



Offshore Geological/Geophysical Surveys

1998 Marine Geological investigations of the seafloor in the Kythera Straits (S.W. Aegean) for the selection of the most suitable route for the laying of submarine power cables between Peloponnesos and Crete. Client: Public Power Corporation (P.P.C.) of Greece.

1990 Evaluation of the oceanographical and geological conditions which prevail in the Otrando straits for the submarine power link between Italy and Greece. Client: Public Power Corporation (P.P.C) of Greece and Energia-Electricita (ENEL) of Italy.

1990 Marine geological survey in the Otranto Straits for the submarine power link between Italy and Greece (in co-operation with Pirelli).
Client: Public Power Corporation (P.P.C) of Greece and Energia-Electricita (ENEL) of Italy.

1992 Marine geological investigations of the seafloor in the Tinos-Syros and Tinos-Mykonos Straits (Aegean Sea) for the selection of the most suitable route for the laying of submarine power cables. Client: Public Power Corporation (P.P.C) of Greece.

1992 Marine geological investigations of the seafloor in the Ahladi-Aidipsos and Actio-Preveza Straits for the identification of geological and man-made hazards prior to the laying of submarine power cables. Client: Public Power Corporation (P.P.C) of Greece.

1993 150kV Submarine Power Link: Evia-Andros-Tinos-Mykonos. Land and Marine Survey. Client: Asso-Divers and Akti Engineering.

1993 66kV Submarine Power Link Syros-Tinos-Mykonos. Land and Marine Survey. Client: Asso-Divers and Akti Engineering.

1994 Marine geological/geophysical investigations of the seafloor for the identification of geological and man-made hazards prior to the laying of telecommunication cables between Igoumenitsa-Corfu, Preveza-Corfu and Patras-Krioneri. Client: Akti Engineering.

1994 Marine geological/geophysical investigations of the seafloor in the Zakynthos Channel (Ionian Sea) for the selection of the most suitable route for the laying of submarine power cables. Client: Public Power Corporation (P.P.C) of Greece.

1995 Kefalinia-Zakynthos submarine power link: Cable inspection and seafloor mapping for the burial of the cables. Client: Public Power Corporation (P.P.C) of Greece.

1995 Marine geological/geophysical investigations of the seafloor for the identification of the geological and man-made hazards prior to the laying of telecommunication cables between Athens-Crete (Chania). Client: Akti Engineering.

1996 Marine geological/geophysical investigations of the Skiathos Straits for the selection of the most suitable route for the laying of submarine power cables. Client: Public Power Corporation (P.P.C) of Greece.

1997 Marine geological/geophysical investigations of the seafloor for the identification of geological and man-made hazards prior to the laying of telecommunication cables between Arkitsa and Aedepsos, Greece. Client: Akti Engineering.

1997 Marine geological/geophysical investigations of the seafloor for the identification of geological and man-made hazards prior to the laying of telecommunication cables between Lechena-Zakynthos-Kefallinia-Lefkada-Preveza, in the Ionian sea. Client: Akti Engineering.

1998 Marine geological/geophysical investigations of the seafloor for the identification of geological and man-made hazards prior to the laying of telecommunication cables between Mykonos-Naxos-Paros-Ios-Santorini and Crete, islands in the Aegean sea. Client: Akti Engineering.

1999 Marine geological/geophysical investigations of the seafloor in the Otranto Straits for the laying and burial of the Italian-Greek submarine power cable. Client: Public Power Corporation (P.P.C) of Greece and Energia-Electricita (ENEL) of Italy.

2000 Marine geological/geophysical investigations in the Killini-Zakynthos strait for the submarine power link between the Greek mainland and Zakynthos island. Client: Pirelli.

2001 Marine geological/geophysical investigations for the laying of power cables between Keratsini and Psytallia, Greece. Client: Akti Engineering.


1991 Marine geological/geophysical survey for the laying of pipelines between Thassos Platform and Keramoti, N. Aegean sea. Client: Akti Engineering.

1993 Marine geological/geophysical survey for the laying of the municipal outfall of Patras. Client: Patras water and Sewage Authority.

1995 Marine geological/geophysical survey for the laying of the municipal outfall of Corfu, Greece. Client: Akti Engineering.

1999 Marine geological/geophysical survey for the laying of the municipal outfall of Patras, Greece. Client: Edafomechaniki E.P.E.

2000 Revithousa gas pipeline: Seafloor mapping and pipeline inspection. Client: Akti Engineering.


1993 Marine geological/geophysical survey for the construction of the new Patras Harbour. Client: Triton Engineering Consultants.

1997 Marine geophysical investigation along the coastal zone of Tolophonas-Eratini in the gulf of Corinth for the study of the coastal collapse induced by the 1995 Aegion earthquake. Client: A.D.K. Engineering Consultants.

1999 Marine geophysical survey for the dredging of Galaxidi bay, Corinth Gulf. Client: Marnet.

2000 Marine geological/geophysical survey for the construction of the new Aegion Harbour. Client: Mohlos S.A.

Oceanographic/Environmental Surveys

1987 Distribution of the red-mud slurry discharged by a bauxite processing factory on the seafloor of the Corinth Gulf. Client: Viotia County Council.

1993 Patras Outfall Investigations: water quality, water circulation patterns and modelling effluent dispersion. Client: Patras water and Sewage Authority.

1994 Marine Environmental study of Bauxite tailing in the Gulf of Corinth. Client: Aluminium Hellas (Peshiney).

1997 Erosion along the Aegialia coastal zone caused by earthquake and wind induced waves. Client: Achaia County Council.

2001 Patras municipal outfall water quality monitoring. Client: Client: Patras water and Sewage Authority.

Marine Pollution

Marine debris is a marine pollution component, the importance of which has been underestimated. The seriousness of marine debris as a potential pollution factor of the ocean has been recognized only during the last two decades. Marine debris are responsible for the death of animals which is caused by entanglement and ingestions. Furthermore, the marine debris on the beaches and nearshore zone are responsible for aesthetic pollution thus decreasing the recreational value of the beach and consequently the socio-economic development of the area.
In the Mediterranean Sea studies related to the frequency, distribution and source of marine debris are very few and all of them are focused on selected beaches.
The Laboratory the last three years has undertaken an extensive research over the Greek shelf in the Ionian Sea concerning the distribution, frequency and extend of marine debris on the seafloor. Preliminary results from the Patras gulf, has shown that the average concentration of marine debris on the seafloor is 240 item/km2. Plastic material dominates the composition of seafloor debris with a mean abundance of 82%. The classification of the debris in terms of its original use shows that general packaging material (plastic bags, containers e.t.c) are the most abundant 45% followed by beverage packaging 33.5% and food packaging 11.5%.

Underwater archaeological surveying (Navarino Bay, Greece and Alexandria, Egypt)

Since the appearance of mankind on earth, the marine environment has been used for habitation (coastal villages, towns, cities), food resources, migration and goods transport. Many coastal towns and cities are at present submerged under water due to eustatic and isostatic movements, furthermore many thousands of wrecks are assumed to be lying on the seafloor or buried in the sediments on the seabed.
During the last three years, the Laboratory has been involved in underwater archaeological prospecting using marine geophysical techniques in Navarino (Pylos) Bay and Alexandria Egypt. In Navarino Bay, the marine geophysical surveying using sub-bottom profiling, side scan sonar and R.O.V inspection of the seafloor, has shown the presence of wrecks on the seafloor, which may be part of the Turkish fleet. Furthermore, the survey has shown that the seafloor has been ploughed by the anchors of the tankers which moor in the bay. The anchor ploughing causes disintegration of the wrecks.
In Alexandria the sonar imaging of the seafloor has shown the presence of targets, which may represent man-made objects and structures of archaeological importance.

Submarine Landslides

Evidence of submarine landsliding exists across the entire breadth of the European continental shelf / slope. Many of the detected landslides have occurred in the near past and some of them had an impact on man’s activities. The potential impact of submarine landslides on humanity increases as man reaches farther into the ocean to exploit the marine resources.

Marine Geophysical surveys over the Aegean and Ionian Seas, which have been carried out by the Laboratory has shown the presence of many recent submarine landslides. In the gulf of Corinth (Greece), which is characterized by high seismicity, there is evidence that submarine landslides occur at a rate of 1 every 2 or 3 years.

The 6.2R Aegion earthquake in 1995 simultaneously triggered coastal and submarine landslides in at least 5 sites, which were within a 10km radius from the earthquake’s epicenter.

The ancient town Helice, which disappeared in 473 BC from the earth’s surface, is considered to have been destroyed by coastal landslide.

Paleoclimatic changes in Eastern Mediterranean

The prediction of global climatic changes which may occur during the next millennia is one of the most important goals of society.

To predict future climatic changes, it is necessary to know the climatic variability in the past. These past changes can be identified in the sedimentary records from lakes and marine basins.

The Laboratory’s involvement in this worldwide effort for the prediction of the climatic changes is focused on the identification of climatic changes, which have occurred in the last 50,000 years in the Eastern Mediterranean. Specific targets include the identification of the magnitude, frequencies and mechanism of climatic changes on time scales from decadal through centennial to millennial.

Between 1989 and 1998 the Laboratory participated in an Inter-University Co-operation Programme "The Merkator" within the framework of the Erasmus programme, with eleven other Marine geology laboratories from Ghent University (Belgium), University College of North Wales (Britain), Aarhus University (Denmark), Brest and P.M. Curie at Ville franche-sur-Mer Universities (France), Kiel University (Germany), Galway University (Ireland),Bologna and Padova Universities (Italy), Utrecht University (Holland), Bergen University (Norway) and Barcelona University (Spain).

The main activities of the Merkator Programme, which is co-ordinated by Ghent University is the exchange of students between the aforementioned Laboratories and the organisation, on a regular basis, of Intensive Summer Courses. Since 1991 five such courses have been held in:

  • Patras (GRE), 1991 "Seafloor dynamics in seismically and tectonically active regions"
  • Bangor (U.K.), 1992 "Methodologies, Concepts and Processes in Marine Geosciences"
  • Mallorca (ESP), 1993 "Continental Margin Sequence Statigraphy"
  • Brest (FRA), 1994 "Deep Sea Drilling and related topics"
  • Gent (BEL), 1995 "Continental Shelf Geology"

Within the framework of the MAST (Marine Science Technology) programme of the European Union the Laboratory has participated in an Advance Study Course in Bordeaux (France) and has organised another one in Crete (Greece).

The themes of the courses were:

  • Coastal and Shelf Dynamics.
  • Applied Marine Geology and its impact on environmental issues.