Representative Publications (last 5 years)
- Avramidis, P., Iliopoulos, G., Kontopoulos, N., Panagiotaras, D., Barouchas, P., Nikolaou, K., Papadopoulou, P. 2015. Depositional environments, sediment characteristics, palaeoecological analysis and environmental assessment of an internationally protected shallow Mediterranean lagoon, Gialova Lagoon - Navarino Bay, Greece. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 105 (3), pp. 189-206.
- Avramidis, P., Bekiari, V., Christodoulou, D., Papatheodorou, G. 2015. Sedimentology and water column stratification in a permanent anoxic Mediterranean lagoon environment, Aetoliko Lagoon, western Greece. Environmental Earth Sciences, 73 (9), 5687-5701.
- Weiberg, E., Unkel, I., Kouli, K., Holmgren, K., Avramidis, P., Bonnier, A., Dibble, F., Finné, M., Izdebski, A., Katrantsiotis, C., Stocker, S.R., Andwinge, M., Baika, K., Boyd, M., Heymann, C. 2016. The socio-environmental history of the Peloponnese during the Holocene: Towards an integrated understanding of the past. Quaternary Science Reviews, 136, 40-65.
- Avramidis, P., Nikolaou, K., Poulos, K., Bekiari, V., Vantarakis, A. 2017. Environmental characterization of a Mediterranean protected shallow brackish coastal aquatic system, Klisova Lagoon, Western Greece: a case study. Journal of Coastal Conservation 21,115-125,. doi: 10.1007/s11852-016-0476-2.
- Avramidis, P., Kalaitzidis, S., Iliopoulos, G., Papadopoulou, P., Nikolaou, K., Papazisimou, S., Christanis, K., van Wijngaarden, G.J., 2017. The so called 'Herodotus Springs' at 'Keri Lake' in Zakynthos Island western Greece: A palaeoenvironmental and palaeoecological approach. Quaternary International 439, 37-51.
- Katsaros, D., Panagiotaras, D., Kontopoulos, N., Avramidis, P.Sediments characteristics and heavy metals distribution of a very shallow protected coastal lagoon, Prokopos Lagoon Mediterranean Sea western Greece. Fresenius Enviromental Bulletin 26 (10) 6093-6103.
- Avramidis, P., Iliopoulos, G., Nikolaou, K., Kontopoulos, N., Koutsodendris, A., van Wijngaarden, G.J., 2017. Holocene sedimentology and coastal geomorphology of Zakynthos Island, Ionian Sea: A history of a divided Mediterranean island. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 487, 340-354.
- Michas, A. Vestergaard, G., Trautwein, K., Avramidis, P., Hatzinikolaou, D.G., Vorgias, C.E., Wilkes, H., Rabus, R., Schloter M., and Schöler A., 2017. More than 2500 years of oil exposure shape sediment microbiomes with the potential for syntrophic degradation of hydrocarbons linked to methanogenesis. Microbione 5:118, DOI 10.1186/s40168-017-0337-8.
- Zizicki, Z.S., Tamez, V., Galanopoulou, A.P., Avramidis, P., Foufopoulos, J.2017. Long-term effects of feral goats (Capra hircus) on Mediterranean island communities: results from whole island manipulations. Biological Invasions, pp. 1-16.
- Emmanouilidis, A., Katrantsiotis, C., Norström, E., Risberg, J., Kylander, M., Sheik, T.A., Iliopoulos, G., Avramidis, P. Middle to late Holocene palaeoenvironmental study of Gialova Lagoon, SW Peloponnese, Greece Quaternary International DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2018.03.005.
- Papoulis, D., Tzortzakaki, O., Avramidis, P., Mentis, P., Lampropoulou, P., Iliopoulos, G., 2018. Mineralogical and textural characteristics of nest building geomaterials used by three sympatric mud-nesting hirundine species, Scientific Reports, 8 (1), art. no. 11050.
- Katrantsiotis, C., Kylander, M.E., Smittenberg, R., Yamoah, K.K.A., Hättestrand, M., Avramidis, P., Strandberg, N.A., Norström, E., 2018. Eastern Mediterranean hydroclimate reconstruction over the last 3600 years based on sedimentary n-alkanes, their carbon and hydrogen isotope composition and XRF data from the Gialova Lagoon, SW Greece Quaternary Science Reviews, 194, pp. 77-93.
- Katrantsiotis C., Norström E., Smittenberg R.H., Finnee M., Weiberge E., Hättestranda M., Avramidis P., Wastegårda S., 2019. Climate changes in the Eastern Mediterranean over the last 5000 years and their links to the high-latitude atmospheric patterns and Asian monsoons. Global and Planetary Change 175 36–51.
- Bassukas, D., Emmanouilidis, A., Panagiotaras, D., Avramidis, P. 2019. Sedimentological and geochemical evaluation of vouliagmeni lake sediments, Perachora, Peninsula, Corinth, Greece. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 19 (1.1), pp. 505-512.
- Emmanouilidis, A., Messaris, G., Ntzanis, E., Zampakis, P., Avramidis, P. 2019. Microstructural and facies identification through x-ray computed tomography (Ct) on anually laminated sediments. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM, 19 (1.1), pp. 319-326.
- Vött, A., Bruins, H.J., Gawehn, M., Goodman-Tchernov, B.N., De Martini, P.M., Kelletat, D., Mastronuzzi, G., Reicherter, K., Röbke, B.R., Scheffers, A., Willershäuser, T., Avramidis, P., Bellanova, P., Costa, P.J.M., Finkler, C., Hadler, H., Koster, B., Lario, J., Reinhardt, E., Mathes-Schmidt, M., Ntageretzis, K., Pantosti, D., Papanikolaou, I., Sansò, P., Scicchitano, G., Smedile, A., Szczuciński, W. 2019. Publicity waves based on manipulated geoscientific data suggesting climatic trigger for majority of tsunami findings in the mediterranean – response to ‘tsunamis in the geological record: Making waves with a cautionary tale from the mediterranean’ by marriner et al. (2017). Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 62, pp. 7-45.
- Avramidis, P., Barouchas, P., Dünwald, T., Unkel, I., Panagiotaras, D.2019. The Influence of Olive Orchards Copper-Based Fungicide Use, in Soils and Sediments—The Case of Aetoliko (Etoliko) Lagoon Western Greece. Geosciences (Switzerland), 9 (6), art. no. 267
- Katrantsiotis, C., Norström, E., Smittenberg, R.H., Finne, M., Weiberg, E., Hättestrand, M., Avramidis, P., Wastegård, S. 2019. Climate changes in the Eastern Mediterranean over the last 5000 years and their links to the high-latitude atmospheric patterns and Asian monsoons. Global and Planetary Change, 175, pp. 36-51.
- Emmanouilidis, A., Unkel, I., Triantaphyllou, M., Avramidis, P., 2020. Late-Holocene coastal depositional environments and climate changes in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. The Holocene, 30 (1), 77-89.
- Emmanouilidis, A., Messaris, G., Ntzanis, E., Zampakis, P., Prevedouros, I., Bassukas D., Avramidis, P., 2020. CT scanning, X-ray fluorescence: Non-destructive techniques for the identification of sedimentary facies and structures. Revue de Micropaléontologie (in press).